Name: Indana Salsabila
NPM: 2011040079
Class: 4A
Essay writing
English is a defined international language. Not infrequently all countries in the world learn it and some even make English a second language in some countries. However, there are also countries that use English as the national language. There are America, England, Australia, Canada, and others. In this essay, we will discuss about two countries that use English, America and England.
The most striking and obvious difference is the accent of the language. Although these two countries share the same English language, their accents are very different. And there are some words that are used differently but have the same meaning. A baked potato in the America. would be called a 'jacket potato' in England. England, and pretty much everywhere else in the world, refers to soccer as football, not to be confused with American football. Even though they have different accents, they can understand each other when they talk.
The other most obvious cultural difference between American and England culture is humor. This is partly due to the differences between American and England perspectives on life. Britons tend to be more fatalistic or pragmatic, while Americans are more optimistic, and perhaps in some ways, considered entitled. English humor tends to be more dry, witty, sarcastic, or chatty, meaning intellectual. American humor, on the other hand, tends to be a bit more slapstick. For work and life the America, on average, has higher salaries, longer hours, bigger homes, more billionaires, and a cheaper education. England has fewer hours and a lower cost of living. When it comes to eating out, England people tend to prefer pub or bar food to fast food. While the England tend to like to wait and analyze the situation in depth when faced with a conflict; Americans tend to jump straight into conflict. This is one of the reasons why the United States is now the most aggressive country in the world. In such a small thing as breakfast it turns out that in America most breakfasts come with a bowl of cereal. whereas in England mostly with quick toast.
However, a lot of England culture also entered America and vice versa to become popular such as england food which is very popular in America, sandwiches, Apple pie, and macaroni. In contrast, American foods such as chips, cornflakes and baked beans are very popular in the UK. Both the United States and the United Kingdom have in common that the majority of the population states that their faith is Christian, at 70.4% in the US and 59.5% in the UK. Not only that, the two countries have a symbol of their close relationship namely the JFK Memorial and the American Bar Association's Magna Carta Memorial, both at Runnymede in England.
In short, England and American are very different even though they use the same language. Starting from the system of government, culture, work, social and others. But these two countries have great influence in the world in film, literature, music and television.
Format :
BalasHapusThe title and use of space is good, but in the first line of each paragraph is not indented (4 point)
the mechanics of all paragraphs are very good, there are no errors in capitalization, spelling and use of punctuation (5 points)
The essay is good and attracts the reader's interest because it compares two countries that were previously united. it's just that the closing paragraph still feels hanging. (19 points)
the intro and body paragraphs are all in accordance with presenting the thesis and factual information, make me more my feedback is to be more careful in writing essays so . (38 points)
Grammar and Sentence Structure:
Good use of grammar and sentences (25 points)
Number of points/score : 91 Points